We will not be accepting any cash donation. Alternatively, you can consider internet bank transfer or PayNow.
For cheque, please make cheque payable to CARING FOR LIFE LTD. and write your contact number on the reverse.

From 01 June 2024 to 30 November 2024, any funds donated to CFL’s <LIFE Chat> is eligible for dollar-for-dollar matching.
CFL has launched a new initiative, LIFE Chat, as its new outreach program. LIFE Chat, a level 0 curriculum, is part of our ongoing effort to equip the community with skills in early prevention and early detection of suicide ideations to save lives. It comprises both offline and online engagements to impart digestible knowledge about suicide prevention and mental well-being and the right mindset to support others.
During the engagements, CFL will encourage the participants to donate and raise funds for the following: (1) To subsidize and support community members to attend CFL LIFE Training, our level 1 suicide prevention training programme, (2) To raise awareness of suicide prevention efforts (3) To support CFL’s technology and publicity needs (including the creation of websites, videos, and other content, etc) (4) To support CFL’s operational costs including but not limited to administrative and manpower costs.
Step 1: Scan the front and back of the cheque before banking.
Step 2: Email the scanned copy to

(Image by DBS from
You will receive a e-copy of our donation receipt upon confirmation of transaction.
All donors are required to provide their tax reference numbers (e.g NRIC/FIN/UEN) to the IPCs in order to enjoy tax deduction on their donations. Donors who do not provide their tax reference numbers or who wish to remain anonymous will not qualify for tax deduction.

If you have any queries giving the giving of donations, including clarifications to donation methods, please email alexyeo@caringforlifesg and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Want to know more?
We welcome all interested participants or organizations, both public and private who are interested to learn more and participate in this cause.