Our Board/ Founding Member
(Click on picture to find out more)

Mr Keith Chua
Board Chairman/ Founding Member

Mr Hsieh Fu Hua
Representative of Binjaitree/Founding Member

Dr Sally Thio
Founder/Board Member

Dr Joseph Leong
Board Member

Ms Tanya Maitland
Board Member
Our Staff

Mr Alex Yeo
Acting Executive Director
Alex, one of the founding team members of CFL, now serves as the Acting Executive Director at Caring for Life. He’s been a passionate Mental Health Advocate since 2015, always eager to explore different ways to support sector. His know-how in the mental health sector and non-profit world comes from being part of the governmental mental health team (NCSS), co-founding the mental health service directory (Mental Connect), and currently working on suicide prevention with the non-profit charity (Caring For Life).

Mr Gerard Das
Clinical Director
Gerard was awarded Master of Social Science (Counselling & Psychotherapy) from Edith Cowan University, Australia. He has a Diploma from the School of Ministry, Tung Ling Bible School and is a Training Facilitator in Classical Trauma Healing from American Bible Society. He is also a professional in suicide intervention. He has conducted trainings in Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Mongolia.
Gerard was a lecturer and training consultant at the Institute of Technical Education for more than 25 years. He was the Clinical Manager at Simei Care Centre – now known as Anglican Care Centre (Simei), which provides psychiatric rehabilitation for people with mental health issues. Currently, he serving as CFL Clinical Director in assisting the Executive Director in its strategic direction, operation and development.
Want to know more?
We welcome all interested participants or organizations, both public and private who are interested to learn more and participate in this cause.